It seems the end of computer is near. Well, it could happen if upcoming problem which is set to happen on Tuesday 19 January 2038 at 8:44 AM IST. Actually a bug is expected to hit the web on the particular date and its already named as Y2038. Just like Y2K bug, if the bug remains unattended the bug might crash several thousands or millions of systems, but chances of crashing of banking systems or any other major support system are far far away.
So, what the heck is Y2038 Bug?
We assume you know every computer system works through a processor which acts as heart of the machine. In the year 2038 due to the limitations in 32-bit processor systems, the machines powered by them are expected to crash. It is expected that when the time will strike 03:14 UTC (8:44 AM IST) on 19 January 2038, computers running on 32-bit processors won’t be able to change the date and time and since, the computer systems starts measuring time from the year 1970. The computers won’t be able to tell the difference between 2038 and 1970.
Now, the question arises why this only happens to 32-bit architecture processors
32-bit processors are able to run 32-bit software and can handle 232 different values or to be precise 4,294,967,295 different values with a maximum of 4GB of memory. Since, the value 4,294,967,295 cannot just be used for timekeeping, hence the value is halved for time keeping and the rest is kept for data storage applications.
As, the computers measures time in seconds from a certain date i.e. from 1st January 1970. 2,147,483,647 seconds going to get past at 03:14:07 UTC (8:44 AM IST) on 19 January 2038. This will likely to crash systems running on 32-bit machines.
Whats the solution to this bug
To be precise and clear, this cannot be defined as a bug. And in reality, almost every computer, laptop, mobile or anything which runs through a processor will be replaced with a better processor running on much higher bit architecture.
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