Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sex, Sighs, and Conversation

In this article, the writer explores cross-cultural differences in the ways females and males use language and the frustrations these differences cause when women and men converse. Tannen’s basic contention is that females use language to make connections and foster intimacy, whereas males use language to preserve independence and negotiate status.
According to Tannen, females use language to negotiate intimacy. Language helps women share feelings, make connections, and create a sense of closeness and harmony. In contrast, males tend to use language to preserve independence and negotiate their status. Language helps men remain the center of attention, challenge and compete with others, and demonstrate knowledge and verbal agility.
Tennen means that although people like to see themselves as unique individuals, they are always a product of their culture. In order to avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, and other problems, men and women need to be aware of gender differences in language use.

The writer maintains that there are gender differences in the use of language and that this often leads to frustration when women and men converse. On order to minimize conflict and improve relationships, men and women need to be aware of these cross-cultural differences in the use of language.


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